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Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 8:31 am
by bralinator
Very similar to Marvel Unlimited, ComiXology now offers a $5.99 new flat-rate service library that boasts "thousands of digital comics, graphic novels & manga," with comic books from Image Comics, IDW Publishing, Dark Horse and others, but neither DC or Marvel have titles as part of the service.

Since Marvel already has a business model around Marvel Unlimited, I am not surprised they aren't participating in this, but DC needs to get with some kind of digital program, likely working on their own. Another reason they just made their logo even more boring, but better suited as a smart phone app icon.


Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:04 am
by JohnMayo
bralinator wrote:Thoughts?
The price seems reasonable. I should probably sign up for this and the Marvel Unlimited.

I completely agree that DC is missing the boat on this. Given the "Wednesday Warrior" focus at DC, I wouldn't expect a DC Digital subscription system any time soon.

Basically, I could get digital copies of most of what I read (other than DC, of course) for less than the cover price of six comics or a trade paperback.

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:15 am
by NDHorse
Here is another link to the Comixology CEO describing the service ... on-service

From the way I see it described, it looks like a way to get readers started on a series in the hopes of driving them to purchase the rest. For example, it looks like only the first trade of Saga and the first 2 trades of The Walking Dead are on there.

Personally, I use a digital service through my library called Hoopla. It seems to have a lot of the same books and it's free. Check that out. It also has a lot of DC stuff. I am going to hold off on Comixology Unlimited until I hear more about the selection.

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:32 am
by NDHorse
Yeah, I just updated my Comixology app to get a 7 day sneak peak of Comixology Unlimited. Very underwhelmed. Enough to get you started a series, but in no way is this going to end weekly buying habits. Nothing current from the past year.

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:42 am
by Perseus
I may try this service to get some more reading from publishers like Oni Press and Fantagraphics.

I use the Marvel Unlimited app, and I honestly do not need a Marvel book on my pull list anymore.

I wish DC would catch on, but they will probably not do an app like this for a long time until the regime at the top changes.

I use Hoopla from the library to read a lot of comics digital as well. Lots of Image, Boom, IDW, some DC, and Dark Horse is on that one.

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:50 am
by drew
Perseus wrote:I may try this service to get some more reading from publishers like Oni Press and Fantagraphics.

I use the Marvel Unlimited app, and I honestly do not need a Marvel book on my pull list anymore.

I wish DC would catch on, but they will probably not do an app like this for a long time until the regime at the top changes.

I use Hoopla from the library to read a lot of comics digital as well. Lots of Image, Boom, IDW, some DC, and Dark Horse is on that one.
I think we overestimate the DC infrastructure / table of organization - i just dont think they have a technologically advanced front office; all the decisions they make seems to be firmly rooted in old school practices - not saying they need to change; nothing wrong with being #2 in sales every month...

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 10:58 am
by bralinator
I agree, that at first glance over their offerings, it appears they mostly just have "teaser" content. And it looks like the 6-month delay that you find with Marvel Unlimited is even more pronounced here on Comixology Unlimited. Most series, even older ones, only have the first 1 to 3 volumes available. And major books like Hellboy, Archie, Buffy, and Saga, only have the first volume available. Maybe they couldn't develop a strong enough reason for the publishers to get fully on-board. Hopefully the situation will improve. I don't buy the party-line comment that this is to get people to go out and buy the later volumes.

So this may be a bargain, especially for people running out of room to store floppies and trades but still have voracious reading habits, but what happens when you run out of the comics offered? The gamechanger would be if you were assured, like with Marvel Unlimited, that eventually subsequent series content will be added to the service. Knowing that Marvel's content is on a six-month lag makes it a superior service.

I'm betting Comixology Unlimited is going to be A LOT like Netflix with all of its labyrinthine licensing issues where things pop in and out of the service too frequently. For that reason, I still like that Marvel has their own dedicated service.

Now, when's DC getting their all-you-can-read service out there? Another ball-drop by DC....

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 11:34 am
by jediknightbobby
I can't see this being worth much, with only a few teaser issues you don't get much for 5.99. If you take a title say like Spawn that has over 250 issues, but only offer the first 12 i don't see much of a value here.

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:31 pm
by fudd71
While I'm not on board for this service yet, let's not be too quick to judge.

I am a Marvel Unlimited subscriber and huge advocate for that service, now! The key to this is now. I did not start out a subscriber when the service launched and had many of the same complaints I see and personally have with this service. Much of what is currently available with Marvel Unlimited was not there in the beginning and it has taken time to get there. There are still some very pronounced gaps in what Marvel Unlimited offer, especially when dealing with mid 1980s to late 1990s.

To me this is a first pass, and to establish proof of concept. While I won't subscribe today, I will keep an eye on the service and see what gets added, much like I did with Marvel Unlimited. Hopefully as the service continues to grow a point will come where I feel it is the right choice for me. As other comics fans find this same point the service will grow and be able to accommodate more and more content. As long as the service continues growing I think there is a good chance the content will eventually meet any individuals expectation. Each of us will just have to wait for that point for each of us. In my case for Marvel that point was almost 6 years, the service launched in late 2007 but I didn't joint until July 2013. Give it time, maybe a lot of time, but keep checking back. Someday it maybe just what you are looking for.

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 3:05 pm
by drew
fudd71 wrote:While I'm not on board for this service yet, let's not be too quick to judge.

I am a Marvel Unlimited subscriber and huge advocate for that service, now! The key to this is now. I did not start out a subscriber when the service launched and had many of the same complaints I see and personally have with this service. Much of what is currently available with Marvel Unlimited was not there in the beginning and it has taken time to get there. There are still some very pronounced gaps in what Marvel Unlimited offer, especially when dealing with mid 1980s to late 1990s.

To me this is a first pass, and to establish proof of concept. While I won't subscribe today, I will keep an eye on the service and see what gets added, much like I did with Marvel Unlimited. Hopefully as the service continues to grow a point will come where I feel it is the right choice for me. As other comics fans find this same point the service will grow and be able to accommodate more and more content. As long as the service continues growing I think there is a good chance the content will eventually meet any individuals expectation. Each of us will just have to wait for that point for each of us. In my case for Marvel that point was almost 6 years, the service launched in late 2007 but I didn't joint until July 2013. Give it time, maybe a lot of time, but keep checking back. Someday it maybe just what you are looking for.
well said, it could develop into something great

how cool would it be for an all you can read big 2 / middle tier / back half titles...I think I would pay 50 bucks a month for that, at least

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 10:36 pm
by bralinator
fudd71 wrote:While I won't subscribe today, I will keep an eye on the service and see what gets added, much like I did with Marvel Unlimited. Hopefully as the service continues to grow a point will come where I feel it is the right choice for me. As other comics fans find this same point the service will grow and be able to accommodate more and more content. As long as the service continues growing I think there is a good chance the content will eventually meet any individuals expectation. Each of us will just have to wait for that point for each of us.
Agreed. At this point, Comixology Unlimited isn't for me either, but I do hope it improves and grows. I hope enough people sign up so they have the MEANS to grow.

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:16 am
by MisterFerro
Meanwhile, is cheaper than for digital trades.

I looked up the discounts for DC trades and the 2014 ASM trades and these are the current discounts:

Grayson Vol 1 & 2 are 37.5% and 21.9% cheaper.

Gotham Academy Vol 1 & 2 are 25.3% and 28.4% cheaper.

Batman Vol 1-8 are an average of 34% cheaper.

ASM 14 Vol 2-4 are an average of 38.8% cheaper.

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 9:10 am
by drew
MisterFerro wrote:Meanwhile, is cheaper than for digital trades.

I looked up the discounts for DC trades and the 2014 ASM trades and these are the current discounts:

Grayson Vol 1 & 2 are 37.5% and 21.9% cheaper.

Gotham Academy Vol 1 & 2 are 25.3% and 28.4% cheaper.

Batman Vol 1-8 are an average of 34% cheaper.

ASM 14 Vol 2-4 are an average of 38.8% cheaper.
seems left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing eh?

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 12:04 pm
by fudd71
MisterFerro wrote:Meanwhile, is cheaper than for digital trades.

I looked up the discounts for DC trades and the 2014 ASM trades and these are the current discounts:

Grayson Vol 1 & 2 are 37.5% and 21.9% cheaper.

Gotham Academy Vol 1 & 2 are 25.3% and 28.4% cheaper.

Batman Vol 1-8 are an average of 34% cheaper.

ASM 14 Vol 2-4 are an average of 38.8% cheaper.
I too have noticed this, I remember buying all the DC year one trades for a back issue spotlight John and I did threw Amazon because they were cheaper then buying with Comixology. That was right before the announcement that Amazon had purchased Comixology. My guess is this has little to do with Amazon upper management being unaware and more to do with preexisting contracts. Comixology is still most likely accountable to some older contracts that were negotiated I believe mostly with the individual comic publishers directly. While the Amazon's kindle store sales are more then likely based off contracts with the book distributors of graphic novels and trade paperbacks. Even if those contracts and negotiations were done with the same company as Comixology (like the comic publisher) they may still be different contracts with different negotiated terms on sales and discounting. I would think when those contracts come up for renewal we will see the pricing structure be similar at comixology & Amazon. Their maybe still be good reason to discount one place and not the other, but I think most older "regular price" items will have the same discount at that point.

Re: Comixology Launches Unlimited Comic Subscription Model

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 12:40 pm
by bralinator
Always check Amazon! I've learned sometimes I can get a new tpb or HC from them than I can get through pre-ordering at DCBS. I got my Neal Adams Batman omni cheaper than through DCBS.


I was upset to get a cancellation from DCBS today for the new Superman: American Alien HC...

to be solicited at a later time.