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Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:13 am
by Frank Castle
I forgot I even read the new Wolverine until Bob mentioned it. I'm only giving it an average score because I love Ryp's art. But the story was pretty bad. Didn't enjoyed it at all.
Echoes #1 - Loved it. Loved it in that Top Cow first issues TPB. Loved it as a PDF and loved the first issue that came out this week. Of course I'm a bit bias as I'm proud to say Rahsan is good friend. But Joshua delivered a great story. I'm excited for everyone who ordered the issues because, as mentioned before, the whole story is done and will ship on time.
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:07 pm
by Frank Castle
2 more #1s that I'm really late on!
Proof #1 - I went back and picked this up after enjoying Riley's art so much on Cowboy Ninja Viking. Fun story of Proof who is bigfoot and works for the FBI solving crazy fairytale type crimes. I enjoyed the book as a whole but did not like the origin story arc at all. I look forward to reading more Proof though I wish Riley would get back to CNV!!
Chew #1 - Fun book, fun writing, fun art, fun characters, everything about it is fun. Bob was right in the yr end ep that the art makes the story work. An ultra detailed artist would make this thing into a horror story which it is not. Love that the FDA has their own branch of law enforcement.
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:30 pm
by BobBretall
Who Is Jake Ellis #1 (Image) -Picked up #1 @ the LCS and it's now on my pull list. Cool "spy" type action, though I'm not sure he's not just a thief, but it's cool action anyway. And just who IS Jake Ellis, anyway?
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:41 pm
by Frank Castle
BobBretall wrote:Who Is Jake Ellis #1 (Image) -Picked up #1 @ the LCS and it's now on my pull list. Cool "spy" type action, though I'm not sure he's not just a thief, but it's cool action anyway. And just who IS Jake Ellis, anyway?
I'm with Bob on this one too. Really enjoyed the first issue. I'm intrigued to figure out who is Jake and what is next!!!
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:10 pm
by IanG
Robert E. Howard's Savage Sword #1 (Dark Horse) - I had a lot of fun reading this anthology. I enjoyed the Conan story the most. There are five different stories, one of which, El Borak is really just a text piece. The first 4 stories are chapters in a longer story and take up the first half of the book. The fifth is a complete story about Bran Mak Morn. Bran Mak is a recolored reprint from the Savage Sword of Conan magazine. I haven't read the Bran Mak story before so I don't mind paying for it here. Although I wish this $7.99 and 80 page "mini-trade" had more new stories instead of reprint. There's a long time to wait for the next chapter in three of these stories. The next issue doesn't come out until May.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:19 pm
by BobBretall
IanG wrote:Robert E. Howard's Savage Sword #1 (Dark Horse) - I had a lot of fun reading this anthology. I enjoyed the Conan story the most. There are five different stories, one of which, El Borak is really just a text piece. The first 4 stories are chapters in a longer story and take up the first half of the book. The fifth is a complete story about Bran Mak Morn. Bran Mak is a recolored reprint from the Savage Sword of Conan magazine. I haven't read the Bran Mak story before so I don't mind paying for it here. Although I wish this $7.99 and 80 page "mini-trade" had more new stories instead of reprint. There's a long time to wait for the next chapter in three of these stories. The next issue doesn't come out until May.
I was really tempted to get this one, but the price scared me off. I feel the same way about the $8.99 price tag attached to the new "Dark Horse Presents" solicited for April: ... e&id=30276
Looks like great stuff but $9 is kind of steep, even if it's 80 story pages (which puts it above Savage Sword with reprints of stuff I already have).
I'm thinking it might have been smarter for them to go with 40 pages for $4.50, would not "sting" as much as the $9 price point. I wonder how many sales they'll miss out on just because of the sticker shock associated with that price. On Savage Sword, just do new stuff & drop the price.
I will offer the theory that the uber-high price points on these issues will make too many people start thinking about whether they need to get the book or not, and once you start thinking that, most sales are dead in the water.
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:49 pm
by HassanT
BobBretall wrote:IanG wrote:Robert E. Howard's Savage Sword #1 (Dark Horse) - I had a lot of fun reading this anthology. I enjoyed the Conan story the most. There are five different stories, one of which, El Borak is really just a text piece. The first 4 stories are chapters in a longer story and take up the first half of the book. The fifth is a complete story about Bran Mak Morn. Bran Mak is a recolored reprint from the Savage Sword of Conan magazine. I haven't read the Bran Mak story before so I don't mind paying for it here. Although I wish this $7.99 and 80 page "mini-trade" had more new stories instead of reprint. There's a long time to wait for the next chapter in three of these stories. The next issue doesn't come out until May.
I was really tempted to get this one, but the price scared me off. I feel the same way about the $8.99 price tag attached to the new "Dark Horse Presents" solicited for April: ... e&id=30276
Looks like great stuff but $9 is kind of steep, even if it's 80 story pages (which puts it above Savage Sword with reprints of stuff I already have).
I'm thinking it might have been smarter for them to go with 40 pages for $4.50, would not "sting" as much as the $9 price point. I wonder how many sales they'll miss out on just because of the sticker shock associated with that price. On Savage Sword, just do new stuff & drop the price.
I will offer the theory that the uber-high price points on these issues will make too many people start thinking about whether they need to get the book or not, and once you start thinking that, most sales are dead in the water.
I didn't get the Savage Sword, but I plan on ordering DHP. With 80 pages in the book, it is a mini-trade. Therefore the $8.99 price doesn't seem that bad.
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:54 pm
by Frank Castle
Infinite Vacation #1 was an ok read. The idea is really cool but the art and colors were a bit much for me. I didn't enjoy it as much as some other books by Nick Spencer like Morning Glories #1 or Existence 2.0/3.0. But I thought it was a better read and more interesting than Shuddertown. I found the art of Shuddertown to just be shite!
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:58 pm
by Perseus
Lady Mechanika #1 from Aspen.
I already like the steampunk genre, so this one was a no-brainer for me. I really enjoyed Joe Benitez's art in this one. The characters and panels looked lovely. The story was intriguing as well and kept me hooked the whole time. For a number 1 issue, I was very pleased. I did miss the #0 issue however. This is on my pull list now though.
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:18 am
by IanG
Perseus wrote:Lady Mechanika #1 from Aspen.
I already like the steampunk genre, so this one was a no-brainer for me. I really enjoyed Joe Benitez's art in this one. The characters and panels looked lovely. The story was intriguing as well and kept me hooked the whole time. For a number 1 issue, I was very pleased. I did miss the #0 issue however. This is on my pull list now though.
I agree on all points here. I was pleasantly suprised that this was such a good first issue from a artist/penciler doing their first writing.
I look forward to issue #2. Although I'm a little dissapointed that the publisher, Aspen, hasn't solicited #3 in the last two months of December and January. There's going to be long stretches of time between issues.
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:45 am
by IanG
Daredevil Reborn #1 (of 4) (Marvel) - Matt Murdock wanders out West and tussels with the locals. The story is just okay for me, I can't say much more without it being spoilers. Andy Diggle's dialogue is usually pretty good as it is here. The art was a little too doughy, there were wavy lines everywhere. Overall, I'm getting a Scalped vibe but Scalped is a lot better comic. I'm going finish out this 4 issue mini-series as I've already got issue #2 on preorder. If it was a longer series I don't know that I would continue with it. It's a good jumping off point.
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:40 pm
by BobBretall
IanG wrote:Daredevil Reborn #1 (of 4) (Marvel) - Matt Murdock wanders out West and tussels with the locals. The story is just okay for me, I can't say much more without it being spoilers. Andy Diggle's dialogue is usually pretty good as it is here. The art was a little too doughy, there were wavy lines everywhere. Overall, I'm getting a Scalped vibe but Scalped is a lot better comic. I'm going finish out this 4 issue mini-series as I've already got issue #2 on preorder. If it was a longer series I don't know that I would continue with it. It's a good jumping off point.
I read the preview in the little Marvel Previews free comic & it was enough to determine I didn't want to get this series at the $3.99 price-point.
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:22 am
by comicm
Black Panther The Man Without Fear #513 - Black Panther The Man without Fear 513 was a good set up issue. Only two problems. 1) Black Panther can defeat anybody who attacks his nation, and they made him look inferior to Daredevil. I say no way. 2) The letterer made the font a little to small for me. Overall (3/5)
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:33 am
by comicm
Daredevil Reborn #1 - I really loved this issue. Just seeing Matt in a Bruce Banner mode was great for me. I loved Diggle's dialog and he set up a lot of mystery of a small town in the first issue. I have never seen Davide Gianfelice pencils before but there were really dynamic and fit the story perfectly. (5/5)
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:40 pm
by IanG
Benjamin Marra’s The Incredibly Fantastic Adventures Of Maureen Dowd (A Work Of Satire And Fiction) #1 (Traditional Comics) - This comic I got in the mail and paid for it by using Paypal credits. Reading the comic is a very funny experience. Yeah the artwork and anatomy are wonky but that's part of what makes it so funny. Just the title alone gives you an idea of what this comic is about and how it's written. I got my money's worth because it made me chuckle at least half a dozen times. It's really like one long political cartoon but with tons of comic book action.