So, since I already have all the original comics, and this was a purchase "for the bookshelf", I have decided that the price increase is enough for me to bail on this book, as I don't really need it, it was a "nice to have".DCBS Alert on DEC082435 GUARDIANS OF GALAXY PREM HC EARTH SHALL OVERCOME VAR ED 23
The price for this item has been changed by the vendor from $19.99 to $24.99. The original DCBS price was $11.99 and is now $14.99. All orders have been updated with the new price. Please let us know if you would like to cancel your order for this item due to the price change. We apologize for the inconvenience.
In addition, since I'm not getting this one, I have also pulled the "Power of Starhawk" Premiere HC off my Feb order form, which was the follow-on to this TP.
2 TPB lost sales for Marvel......