Yearly Comics Spotlight #15: 2021 (Deadline: AM Jan 10, 2022)

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Yearly Comics Spotlight #15: 2021 (Deadline: AM Jan 10, 2022)

Post by JohnMayo »

James and I will be recording the Yearly Comics Spotlight #015 episode covering 2021 in early January 2022.
Please have your entries in by the morning of Monday, January 10th, 2022. Thanks for participating!

When listing creators, it really helps if you include some of the titles that influenced your pick. For example, "FirstName LastName (Event title, Monthly title, obscure title)" is much more informative than just putting "FirstName LastName".

Fill in as many categories below as you want. If you don't have a pick for some, that is fine. Just leave the square brackets empty.
An automated process will be compiling the notes we use for the episode using the square brackets as the delimiters for your responses.

Copy the text below and put your answers inside the square brackets.

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: []
Favorite Publisher: []
Best All Ages title: []
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: []
Highlight of 2021: []
Prediction for 2022: []
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? []

Reading habits:
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? []
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2022? If so, why and by how much? []
Do you get your new comics from a local comic book store or online? []
What is the name of the comic shop or online retailer you get your comics from? []
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Unvierse, Comixology Unlimited, etc) do you subscribe to? []

Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your Favorite Back Issue Spotlight and why? []
Suggestions for future Back Issue Spotlights? (Breaking suggestions of larger things down into smaller chunks would be helpful.) []
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? []
-What would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more? []
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips? []
-What would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []

Additional Comments? []
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #15: 2021 (Deadline: AM Jan 3, 2022)

Post by NicksPicks »

All my edits have been completed. Cheers to 2022!

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Batman Black and White (It's Batman. It's black and white. Oh yeah, and some of the best creators too.)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Bilquis Evely (Supergirl Woman of Tommorrow)]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [JSA (still)]

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Iron Man]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [ChristopherCantwell (Iron Man)]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Is there any book they don't publish?]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [The Walking Dead Deluxe (fun to read the series in monthly format, and in color)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Stan Sakai, who is steadily producing his wonderful Usagi Yojimbo stories and making his classic material available in reprint.]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Dynamite is due for another good batch of The Shadow comics. If not them, then someone in the premiere group needs to get some pulp noir stories out on the market.]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Monsters - a graphic by Barry Windsor Smith that has been in the works for 35 years. He finally published the work at Fantagraphics.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Barry Windsor Smith (from Monsters)]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [We need another ongoing Archie series.]

Most improved: [DC's Black Label imprint]
Favorite Publisher: [DC - still, though it can be a hot and cold relationship at times]
Best All Ages title: [Canto III: Lionhearted]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings]
Highlight of 2021: [Getting way too many vintage comics through my LCS and some online vendors. I didn't get any record setting key issues, but i did get some really cool old books this year.]
Prediction for 2022: []
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [A surge in back issue collecting continued to drive speculation in both old and new properties and ideas. Traditional superhero comics publishers continued experimenting with characters and formats to find new audiences.]

Reading habits:
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [8]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2022? If so, why and by how much? [Decreasing by about 25 percent. The value in my weekly reading is lowered by several factors, and life is returning more to normal, so I am transitioning to more independent and miniseries type of content I can read at my pace.]
Do you get your new comics from a local comic book store or online? [Both. My pull list weekly reading is from an LCS, while pricier books and last minute pre-ordered books I can justify buying at a larger discount online.]
What is the name of the comic shop or online retailer you get your comics from? [Vans Comics Cards and Games for my LCS, and DCBS and Things From Another World for online special orders.]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Unvierse, Comixology Unlimited, etc) do you subscribe to? [Comixology Unlimited. I just wasn't reading enough to justify keeping the Marvel Unlimited or DC Infinite subscriptions.]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your Favorite Back Issue Spotlight and why? [SHAZAM! The World's Mightiest Mortal hardcovers. I love what I have read of SHAZAM/Captain Marvel material, and it seems like you all generally like this series as well. The stories don't think too highly of themselves, and these episodes are usually pretty lighthearted.]
Suggestions for future Back Issue Spotlights? (Breaking suggestions of larger things down into smaller chunks would be helpful.) [The George Perez Wonder Woman series might be a good series to sample a volume or two of.]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? [I enjoy sending in clips for the Previews Spotlight episodes, and of course listening to most shows on the channel.]
-What would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more? [Time to participate in the Slack channel.]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips? [Typically each month.]
-What would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [I tend to be a little behind in reading sometimes, so the summaries and general impressions of series being covered in the Monthly Comics Spotlight will often steer me towards reading certain issues first (or last).]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []

Additional Comments? [I wish more publishers would rein in their prices. I don't know or really care if it's supply chain issues or what the problem is, but overpriced first issues, high priced miniseries, and DC's silly backup stories on twice-mobthly series have chased me out of most Big 2 and certain indie publishers' material.]
Last edited by NicksPicks on Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:51 am, edited 3 times in total.
I read comic books for fun.
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #15: 2021 (Deadline: AM Jan 3, 2022)

Post by Xmanpatrick »

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Robin]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tom Taylor]
Book you wish more people read: [Robin]
Book you wish they would publish: [Books I would like to read at the $3.99 mark with no unwanted backup story]

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Immortal Hulk]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Al Ewing]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Gambit and Rogue books again
Star Wars crossing over with Marvel Universe. Maybe with Guardians.
Aliens and or predator crossing over with Marvel Universe]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [TMNT The Last Ronin]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Eastman and Laird]
Book you wish more people read: [Stray Dogs]
Book you wish they would publish: [More crossovers like TMNT and Power Rangers series]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Nottingham Mad Cave Studios ]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: [Never Never]
Book you wish they would publish: [More books for me ha!]

Most improved: [Indies]
Favorite Publisher: [Heavy Metal]
Best All Ages title: [Star Wars Adventures]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Invincible]
Highlight of 2021: []
Prediction for 2022: [Diamond previews goes digital]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [Big two producing more junk than good comics. Indies selling scripts]

Reading habits:
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [5-8]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2022? If so, why and by how much? [Decrease. Marvel hasn't been producing for me]
Do you get your new comics from a local comic book store or online? [Both]
What is the name of the comic shop or online retailer you get your comics from? [Conquest Comics and Deep Discount Comics]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Unvierse, Comixology Unlimited, etc) do you subscribe to? [Marvel Universe]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your Favorite Back Issue Spotlight and why? [Orville]
Suggestions for future Back Issue Spotlights? (Breaking suggestions of larger things down into smaller chunks would be helpful.) [Some classics like World War Hulk or Civil War]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? [Less than usual but weekly]
-What would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more? [Polls, more interested people posilting.]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips? [Try for every month]
-What would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Have you wanted to interview new creators or get pdf's of new books for indie creators?]

Additional Comments? [Maybe for the monthly spotlight you could have some voicemail calls on some books others are reading. May extend the episode so maybe DC on week, Marvel next, Indies another and last one being all the cuts, adds and outstandings? If people get used to recording themselves they may send in more clips or be more engaged.]
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #15: 2021 (Deadline: AM Jan 3, 2022)

Post by doctormo »

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Infinite Frontier 6 issue mini-series written by Joshua Williamson, art by Xermanico, Paul Pelletier, and others. Series contained a lot of my favorite DC elements like multiversal superheroes and the Justice Society of America.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Favorite Writer: Tom Taylor (Nightwing, Superman: Son of Kal-El, Dark Knights of Steel, and Batman: The Detective); Favorite Artist: Joelle Jones (Future State Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl)]
Book you wish more people read: [Blue & Gold by writer Dan Jurgens and artist(s) Ryan Sook, Cully Hamner, and Kevin Maguire. Fun series with mostly done-in-one stories with subplots that continue into the next issue. Really does a wonderful job of highlighting the relationship between Booster Gold and Blue Beetle. References a lot of their past continuity.]
Book you wish they would publish: [Justice Society of America]

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Planet-Size X-Men - the high point of the Hellfire Gala, got me pumped about the X-Men titles again. I felt the X-books had been coasting following X of Swords.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Favorite Writer: Jonathan Hickman (X-Men Vol. 5, Inferno); Favorite Artist: Pepe Larraz (Planet-Size X-Men and X-Men Vol. 6)]
Book you wish more people read: [Miles Morales: Spider-Man - This title is very consistent thanks to writer Saladin Ahmed, who has been on the book since issue one. Ahmed does a great job of telling traditional Spider-Man type stories with a modern twist.]
Book you wish they would publish: [Spider-Man 2099 written by Peter David]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [The Orville - Dark Horse Comics, great two-part stories that enables me to spend more time in this universe until the television series returns.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer: Donny Cates (Crossover - Image Comics); Artist: Gary Frank (Geiger - Image Comics)]
Book you wish more people read: [Lazarus Risen - Image Comics, sci-fi dystopian epic. Writer: Greg Rucka and artist Michael Lark do a helluva job explaining the mechanics of this world. Wish it came out more often.]
Book you wish they would publish: [Dark Horse - Jeff Lemire would release another Quantum Age series (Black Hammer Universe’s version of the Legion of Super-Heroes; Image Comics - more Youngblood but I know that is a pipe dream because Rob Liefeld no longer owns the rights.]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [The Wrong Earth: Night and Day - Ahoy Comics]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Artist: Jamal Igle (Wrong Earth - Ahoy Comics; White - Black Mask Studios)]
Book you wish more people read: [My Bad - Ahoy Comics. Comedic take on superheroes and supervillains co-written by Mark Russell.]
Book you wish they would publish: [Titan Comics would publish new Robotech material.]

Most improved: [DC Comics, specifically when it comes to mini-series and their treatment of Nightwing.]
Favorite Publisher: [Dark Horse - I do not read a lot of the company’s output but really enjoy the ones that I consume.]
Best All Ages title: [Batman: The Adventures Continue Season 2. If you want a Batman title that is not too serious and does a lot of 1 and 2 part stories with continuing subplots.]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Superman and Lois on The CW.]
Highlight of 2021: [Being able to see Spider-Man: No Way Home in theaters and how satisfied I felt after seeing the film.]
Prediction for 2022: [Image Comics is going to celebrate its 30th anniversary in style.]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [DC and Marvel producing titles that focus on the next event instead of series about the ongoing adventures of characters.]

Reading habits:
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [5-6]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2022? If so, why and by how much? [Right now, I plan on reading approximately the same number of new comics. I plan on reading a lot more older comics in 2022. I bought a number back issues and trades throughout 2021 that need to be read.]
Do you get your new comics from a local comic book store or online? [Local comic shop]
What is the name of the comic shop or online retailer you get your comics from? [Telegraph Art and Comics]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Unvierse, Comixology Unlimited, etc) do you subscribe to? [None currently, but this may change.]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your Favorite Back Issue Spotlight and why? [I have been enjoying the New Teen Titans coverage. I am a huge fan of the first volume.]
Suggestions for future Back Issue Spotlights? (Breaking suggestions of larger things down into smaller chunks would be helpful.) [Justice Society of America, Astro City, Spider-Man 2099, and more Byrne on the Fantastic Four]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? [Primarily Slack and occasionally on the forum]
-What would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more? [Not sure.]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips? [Most months]
-What would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [I should probably spread out when my clips are recorded. Instead life gets in the way and most times they are sent in close to the deadline.]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [Since the shift to Back Issue Spotlights, I have been consuming more older material. For example, the Shazam coverage caused me purchase issues of Jerry Ordway’s Power of Shazam series that I was missing.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Nothing, glad John adapted a new release schedule which works for him. Wish the distributors would be willing to release sales data. I miss the sales data episodes.]

Additional Comments? [Thanks John, James, Kay, Sam, and other contributors for the hours of entertainment this past year.]
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #15: 2021 (Deadline: AM Jan 3, 2022)

Post by NiklasJ »

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Detective comics #1035, is the one I remember (I think, it might have been 1036) mostly for the huntress backup story, awfully sad and absolutely magnificent]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Dont read much DC but I´ll mention Joelle Jones from the new title WonderGirl, she have done both writing and art in some issues]
Book you wish more people read: [The Dreaming and Lucifer, short series but they were both very nice. A story that wasnt the average superhero yarn but still have something fantastical and mythological about them. Moving slower than most and still packing a lot more substance and text in each issue. Much more "meat" to each issue if you get my meaning. I think they continued the sandman/gaiman legacy quite nice even if its tough to surpass such a classic]
Book you wish they would publish: [Yellow Lantern Jessica Cruz, the other green lanterns I have not found to be likeable at all]

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [AmazingSpiderMan:Beyond, spidey needed a soft reboot and sofar sogood. I like Ben and already feel pain for whatevers going to happen to reverse this, the parker luck I bet is strong in Reilly as well]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Esad Ribic, art on Eternals at the moment, probably more stuff. Eternals is by the way also a nice title]
Book you wish more people read: [BlackCat I thought this title sold at least decent, imagine my surprise when the last issue said this is the end of the road?!? was it not about sales numbers? anyhow it needs to get reinstated ASAP]
Book you wish they would publish: [DrDoom, they do give him a few numbers here and there but surely the evil masterminds of the world could use a regular dose to have something to aspire to (with or without the version of 2099)]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Geiger works ok as a nuclear fallout story, good writer in Geoff Johns ofcourse]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Art by Tony Daniel on Nocterra is nice, im not really hooked on the story maybe Snyder can tune it a bit]
Book you wish more people read: [Monstress I think its a big seller already but it is really very nice]
Book you wish they would publish: [same as every year, more of LAZARUS!]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Serial, Terry Moore does a very funny child serial killer, to be clear the girl is the killer]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Frank Cho Fight Girls]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: [AmazingSpiderMan I think wins this one, unsure who it competes with really, Avengers maybe, I liked world war she hulk]
Favorite Publisher: [Marvel]
Best All Ages title: []
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Batwoman]
Highlight of 2021: [The Wheel of Time came and went, could have been better could have been much much worse, so Ill take it as a win (when the MTV Shannara version is the benchmark you dont really need much)]
Prediction for 2022: []
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? []

Reading habits:
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [deliveries over the pond and from two different companies is screwing things up, id say i get around 35-45 per month, but I havent actually counted them for a very long time.... ]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2022? If so, why and by how much? [always cutting with the intention of buying less but also always adding almost as much or more than i cut... ooh a new silk mini, whats that she hulk I need it... and on and on it goes]
Do you get your new comics from a local comic book store or online? [locally but I just moved to a new town so they will ship to me]
What is the name of the comic shop or online retailer you get your comics from? [Seriezonen, Uppsala, Sweden]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Unvierse, Comixology Unlimited, etc) do you subscribe to? [Marvel Unlimited, still getting the physical copies so thats a bit unnecessary, though I now can read a lot more than i buy]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your Favorite Back Issue Spotlight and why? [Secret Wars, very long time since i read it, one of the earliler comics i read]
Suggestions for future Back Issue Spotlights? (Breaking suggestions of larger things down into smaller chunks would be helpful.) []
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? []
-What would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more? []
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips? []
-What would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []

Additional Comments? [this year went another direction than i thought it would. During the covidperiod work was slow so I looked around for something else. Sent out some applications and by summer I had a new university job in a new city at an almost new particle accelerator. Very fun times but also my time went to other things than comics so I havent had much time to read comics or read and listen to stuff about comics. Im still having my comics shipped to me and as always trying to cut back on titles but always finding something new to try. ]
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #15: 2021 (Deadline: AM Jan 3, 2022)

Post by comicfreak »

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Suicide Squad; It's one of the 2 the only DC comics I read]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [JSA]

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Alien]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Salvador Larocca]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Predator; It has been solicited but it's not comminc out]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Department of Truth]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Lucio Parillo; Cover artist at Dynamite]
Book you wish more people read: [Savage Dragon]
Book you wish they would publish: [Lady Pendragon; I really liked John Stinsman's art]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Red Room]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Frank Cho; on Fight Girls]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: [Dynamite; With all the new series]
Favorite Publisher: [Image; Most of what they publish is good]
Best All Ages title: []
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Spider-Man: No Way Home]
Highlight of 2021: []
Prediction for 2022: [There will be too much woke influence at Marvel and DC]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [Every extablished superhero has to be gay]

Reading habits:
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [About 15 comics each 2 weeks]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2022? If so, why and by how much? [Depends on what's coming out]
Do you get your new comics from a local comic book store or online? [Local store]
What is the name of the comic shop or online retailer you get your comics from? [Comics Import Amsterdam]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Unvierse, Comixology Unlimited, etc) do you subscribe to? [none]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your Favorite Back Issue Spotlight and why? [The Crisis-one's]
Suggestions for future Back Issue Spotlights? (Breaking suggestions of larger things down into smaller chunks would be helpful.) [Astro City; as it seems that Image will be publishing new stories]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? [Slack]
What would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more? []
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips? [I've send in one clip]
- What would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [If there's something I'm excited about]
- Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [I think so, but I don't know what specifically]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [To me it seems a bit DC/Marvel heavy bus that's probably due to the reading habits of the makers]

Additional Comments? []
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #15: 2021 (Deadline: AM Jan 3, 2022)

Post by ChrisMyers »

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [My favorite was Batman Presents Harley Quinn, runners up are Nightwing #78-83, Batman the Detective, Detective #1036-104, Wonder Woman Dead Earth]

Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tom Taylor]

Book you wish more people read: [Any of them, the more sales the better.]

Book you wish they would publish: [An incontinuity Batman title that I want to read]

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Favorite is Dark Ages, runners up are Beta Ray Bill and The Thing. I’ve read very little Marvel in 2021]

Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tom Taylor by default]

Book you wish more people read: [Again any of them.]

Book you wish they would publish: [A good old heroic Captain America]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Boom: Down River People, Dark Horse: Operation Dragon, Dynamite: James Bond Agent of Spectre, Image: Stray Dogs,Geiger, Reckless: Destroy all Monsters ]

Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Ed Brubaker]

Book you wish more people read: [Stray Dogs]

Book you wish they would publish: []

Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [AWA:Devil's Highway, Bad Mother, Mann's World, Old Haunts, Year Zero vol 2, Comixology Originals: Hailstone, SitComics: Heroes Union, Titan: Gun Honey]

Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer: Charles Ardai (Gun Honey) Cover artist: Robert McGinnis (Gun Honey)]

Book you wish more people read: [Heroes Union or anything by SitComics]

Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: []

Favorite Publisher: [It seems to be AWA since the most new stuff I read came from them]

Best All Ages title: [Bandette by MonkeyBrain Comics (Digital)]

Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Spider-Man No Way Home]

Highlight of 2021: [Spider-Man No Way Home]

Prediction for 2022: [For me, more back issue reading.]

How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [It’s been a confusing and disruptive year.]

Reading habits:On average about how many newly released comics do you get each week? [Very few, the subscription services I use all have a built in delay in releases]

Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2022? If so, why and by how much? [Over the last seven years that I’ve kept track I’ve read on average 1700 comics a year and though I’ve been reading more prose books I don’t see that changing much.]

Do you get your new comics from a local comic book store or online? [I read digitally so it's all online]

What is the name of the comic shop or online retailer you get your comics from? []

Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, etc) do you subscribe to? [I subscribe to all three services. I also use a digital library service called Hoopla]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your Favorite Back Issue Spotlight and why? [#092 Project Pegasus because I love the Thing.]

Suggestions for future Back Issue Spotlights? (Breaking suggestions of larger things down into smaller chunks would be helpful.) [Fables #1-5, Reckless any volume, Wonder Woman Dead Earth #1-6, Tomorrow #1-5, Batman the Detective #1-6]

How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? [I participate on the Slack channel and I'm part of the Book club. I always intend to submit to Previews Spotlight but it doesn't always happen. I suspect that not being current on comics has an effect on that. I’m going to try harder this year.]

-What would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more? []
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips? [A few times a year, hope to do better this year.]

-What would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? []

Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [Rivers of London, Fantastic Four (Dan Slott), Immortal Hulk,Orville, Maestro War and Pax, Crisis on Infinite Earths (Never read it in 1986, Icon and Rocket, AWA books. The simple reason that I picked these up was that you made them sound interesting.]

What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Keep doing what you are doing.]

Additional Comments? [Thanks John and company for all that you do. I really appreciate being part of this community. Thoughts on 2022, I'm looking forward to the Slack channel Book Club starting again. I'm going to make full use of my Marvel and DC Unlimited subscriptions to dive into their back issue libraries and read some good old superhero comics.]
Master Reviewer
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Location: Los Angeles

Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #15: 2021 (Deadline: AM Jan 3, 2022)

Post by fudd71 »

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [The Other History of the DC Universe]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Giuseppe Camuncoli]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtels The Last Ronin]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Peter Laird]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Barry Windsor-Smith]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: []
Favorite Publisher: [Fantagraphics]
Best All Ages title: [Batman:Wayne Family Adventures]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Black Widow]
Highlight of 2021: [Seeing comic films on the big screen again]
Prediction for 2022: []
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [the comic industry is struggling to find it's footing in the new world and what the audience is and will be]

Reading habits:
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [0]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2022? If so, why and by how much? [about the same]
Do you get your new comics from a local comic book store or online? [online/digital]
What is the name of the comic shop or online retailer you get your comics from? [House of Secrets]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Unvierse, Comixology Unlimited, etc) do you subscribe to? [Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your Favorite Back Issue Spotlight and why? [The Shazamm episodes because this was great material I never would have read, if not for the episode]
Suggestions for future Back Issue Spotlights? (Breaking suggestions of larger things down into smaller chunks would be helpful.) []
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? [Slack, book club, guest host]
-What would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more? []
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips? []
-What would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [I often take suggestion from episodes of the Slack channel, and even if not directly it will often remind of something else and I end up reading that]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []

Additional Comments? []
Posts: 31
Joined: Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:20 am

Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #15: 2021 (Deadline: AM Jan 3, 2022)

Post by VikingJoker »

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Nightwing]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tom Taylor for Nightwing, Suicide Squad (previous series) and Dark Knights of Steel. DC recently signed him to an exclusive contract, which makes sense. He is DCs best writer. Negative comments about Bendis and King redacted.]
Book you wish more people read: [Swamp Thing. The Ram V penned series has been very approachable for this abstract character. Hoping for another volume of this – I assume – low print run title.]
Book you wish they would publish: [I think this is a loophole, but an on-going Wonder Woman series that I want to read. I think the 25-issue Greg Rucka run from the start Rebirth was the last solid run for this title and that started in 2016. This is also cheating – last year’s answer - Venditti on Hawkman. Finally, more “classic” Super Sons.]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Strange Academy or Thor or Daredevil. Call me crazy, but I like a simple one issue per month series (I’m looking at you ASM) and all of these match that criteria. If I can only pick one, Strange Academy with consistent art from Humberto Ramos and fun new characters from Skottie Young wins. I’m really not into the Dr. Strange or the magical side of the Marvel Universe, but you don’t need to be to enjoy this title.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Farewell to Jonathan Hickman and thanks for his guidance on the x-books in the Krakoa era.]
Book you wish more people read: [Beta Ray Bill mini-series that was written and drawn by Daniel Warren Johnson.]
Book you wish they would publish: [A better Punisher title.]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Karmen with story and art by Guillem March. This five-issue mini from Image was gorgeous, humorous and thought provoking. You may only know March from his superhero work – this is not that – but really shows us what he can do. If you’re feeling adventurous, look for March’s MA Instagram account. It’s interesting that there was Milo Manara variant for issue one because March seems to channel Manara.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Guillem March]
Book you wish more people read: [Karmen]
Book you wish they would publish: []
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Volume 2 of Year Zero from AWA is a strong contender, but E-ratic by Kaare Andrews was my favorite offering from my favorite indy publisher. Fun story with young Peter Parker vibes.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: [Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters – see best all ages below.]
Book you wish they would publish: [Barbarc was a short (3 issues) series from Vault that was lot of fun. Hoping for a new volume in 2022.]
Most improved: []
Favorite Publisher: [Anything from AWA. I know they’re assembling a universe over there, but I think all of the other unconnected minis are great too. Maybe someday it will all be cannon? Who knows, but’s it’s all quality if its superheroes, horror or something in-between.]
Best All Ages title: [Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters. Chris Samnee and his wife, Laura, put out this book via Oni Press. I currently read no other all ages books, so this was any easy pick and beyond that, it’s a lot of fun. If you like Bone, then this may be the book for you.]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [I haven’t watched much, but I did just watch the Wonder Woman pilot from 1975, so I guess that’s my favorite.]
Highlight of 2021: []
Prediction for 2022: [I will get current on current comics. That’s really more of a goal, but I’m going to put it here. Also, my monthly DC pull list will continue to decline. Final prediction – the new Punisher series is going to be bad and will eventually be compared to short-lived the FrankenCastle era, which was also horrible.]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? []
Reading habits:
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [Weekly is tough for me as monthly shipper, but 70-90 floppies a month]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2022? If so, why and by how much? [Decrease. No. I'm serious. A few years ago, John went through a reduction and I think I’ve come to that point too. I’d like to get to where I can – more or less – read everything I get in the month that I receive it. I have been working on my unread backlog, but I have ways to go with 700+ unread floppies.]
Do you get your new comics from a local comic book store or online? [Primarily pre-order via Kowabunga/Deep Discount. Some LCS trips, as needed.]
What is the name of the comic shop or online retailer you get your comics from? [Kowabunga for pre-order. Heroes or Legends for local purchases.]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Unvierse, Comixology Unlimited, etc) do you subscribe to? [Just MU and I rarely use it.]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your Favorite Back Issue Spotlight and why? []
Suggestions for future Back Issue Spotlights? (Breaking suggestions of larger things down into smaller chunks would be helpful.) [Batman: Knightfall]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? [Slack and Previews Spotlight (see below). Rarely post to the website.]
-What would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more? []
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips? [I want to send monthly, however, life. I started 2021 strong, but I have been absent for the last several months. I would like to reverse that trend in 2022.]
-What would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [Less life?]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [Having a community to talk about books with keeps me engaged in this hobby.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []

Additional Comments? [Overall, my reading is down this year. 2020 = 1082 items, 2021 = 809 items. Those are primarily floppies, but there are some collected editions in there too.]
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:10 pm

Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #15: 2021 (Deadline: AM Jan 10, 2022)

Post by glzach »

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Superman ’78; Honorable mention: Justice League Last Ride]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Robert Venditti]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Green Lantern anthology – with a focus on Hal Jordan, Kilowog, et. Al. – I think a quarterly anthology would be widely read.]

Marvel: (I don’t read a lot of Marvel, but…)
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Fantastic Four]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Dan Slott ]
Book you wish more people read: [N/A]
Book you wish they would publish: [N/A]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Geiger, Star Trek: The Mirror War]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Geoff Johns]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: []
Favorite Publisher: [DC, but that is more of a nostalgia thing – I grew up with DC and still like 90s DC (and earlier). Currently, DC doesn’t give me a lot of hope for well written comics with some exceptions like Venditti]
Best All Ages title: []
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Zach Snyder’s Justice League, Superman & Lois]
Highlight of 2021: []
Prediction for 2022: []
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? []

Reading habits:
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [1-2 (give or take)]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2022? If so, why and by how much? [sort of maintaining – I’m not reading nearly as much as I did a few years ago. I got back into comics with the New 52, but the past couple of years, most comics aren’t telling the stories I want to read. My interest is waning a bit currently]
Do you get your new comics from a local comic book store or online? [all digital – Comixology – I do tend to pick up digital trades that look interesting when they go on sale]
What is the name of the comic shop or online retailer you get your comics from? [Comixology]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Unvierse, Comixology Unlimited, etc) do you subscribe to? [I’ll do Comixology Unlimted – from time to time]

Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your Favorite Back Issue Spotlight and why? [Crisis On Infinite Earths]
Suggestions for future Back Issue Spotlights? (Breaking suggestions of larger things down into smaller chunks would be helpful.) [More Green Lantern stories – Blackest Night or The Sinestro Corps War]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other)? [mostly Slack]
-What would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more? []
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips? [I’ve done it a couple of times. I don’t read enough comics, IMO, to warrant sending in clips]
-What would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why?
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []

Additional Comments? []
Last edited by JohnMayo on Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added "Additional Comments? []" at the end so the automation to read the posts would work
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