Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019)

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Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019)

Post by JohnMayo »

James and I will be recording the Yearly Comics Spotlight #012 episode covering 2018 in early January.

The categories this year are DC, Marvel, Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image) and the other publishers and some miscellaneous other items.

When listing creators, it helps if you include some of the titles they've worked that influenced your pick. For example, "FirstName Last Name (Event title, Monthly title, obscure title)" is much more informative than just putting "FirstName Last Name".

Fill in as many categories below as you want. If you don't have a pick for some, that is fine. Just leave the square brackets empty.
An automated process will be compiling the notes we use for the episode using the square brackets as the delimiters for your responses.
Copy the text below and put your answers inside the square brackets.

Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: []
Favorite Publisher: []
Best All Ages title: []
Favorite Comic Television Show: []
Favorite Comic Movie: []
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): []
Highlight of 2018: []
Prediction for 2019: []
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? []
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? []
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? []
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? []
Are you planning cutting back on your comic book reading in 2019? []
-If so, why? []
-And by how much? []

Additional Comments? []

Please have your entries in by the end of 2018 (morning of January 1st, 2019).

Thanks for participating!
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019

Post by drew »

awww, image got demoted
Comics For Fun and Profit(also available on iTunes and Stitcher)
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019

Post by drew »

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [NEW-Adventures of Super Sons; ONGOING-Injustice 2]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Astro City 50-52 The Nearness of You Story Arc]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tom King (Batman, Mr Miracle, DC Nation, Heroes in Crisis, Walmart Giant Superman)]
Book you wish more people read: [Scooby Apocalypse]
Book you wish they would publish: [SGT ROCK]

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [NEW-Spidergeddon ONGOING-Champions]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Jessica Jones #18]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Donny Cates (Venom, Thanos, Redneck, God Country, Babyteeth, Cosmic Ghost Rider, Dr. Strange)]
Book you wish more people read: [Moon Knight]
Book you wish they would publish: [Star Wars: Thrawn]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [NEW-Hey Kids Comics Howard Chaykin image - ONGOING-Walking Dead]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Saga #54]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Robert Kirkman (Walking Dead, Die Die Die, Oblivion Song, Outcast, Invincible)]
Book you wish more people read: [Bingo Love by Tee Franklin]
Book you wish they would publish: [War comics]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [NEW-High Heaven, Ahoy ONGOING - Crossed + 100 Mimic, Avatar]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [The Wilds 1-5, Black Mask]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Garth Ennis (Walk Through Hell, World of Tanks, War Stories, Punisher Platoon)]
Book you wish more people read: [Hard Case Crime titles, Titan imprint]
Book you wish they would publish: [Avatar, relaunch Extinction Parade, Garth Ennis]

Most improved: [Spider-Man –Amazing, Spectacular, Geddon]
Favorite Publisher: [Marvel]
Best All Ages title: [Heavy Vinyl, BoomBox]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [Walking Dead]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Black Panther]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies by Brubaker/Phillips]
Highlight of 2018: [Being inspired by so many talented writers taking a stand politically and fighting the injustices they see through their art]
Prediction for 2019: [DC Streaming Service struggles to find subscribers, Disney’s Streaming Service Launches Big, absorbs Hulu and Rivals Netflix]
How often do (you) post on the Comic Book Page forum? [1-2 times a week]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [1-2 times a day]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [yep]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [naming conventions and procedures may be overly complicated and daunting for newbies, simplify for first timers?]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [Wrong Earth, Doctor Mo sent in a Great Clip to previews spotlight, I added]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [I would listen to a review episode of Making Comics, Writing for Comics, or any of the other process junkie books on your shelf / i will personally miss the occasional review of indie books (not licensed properties) if you change the WCS format to shy away from them]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [30+]
Are you planning cutting back on your comic book reading in 2019? [nope, just the opposite]
-If so, why?
-And by how much?

Additional Comments? [Here's hoping for a renewed interest in comics reading by a new generation because we ain't gettin' any younger]
Last edited by drew on Thu Dec 20, 2018 9:47 am, edited 6 times in total.
Comics For Fun and Profit(also available on iTunes and Stitcher)
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019

Post by Xmanpatrick »

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Batman]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [heroes in crisis]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tom King (Batman)]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [true believer for DC to catch me up on important past]

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Immortal Hulk]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [avengers 1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Donny Cates (cosmic Ghost Rider, death of inhumans]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [crossover into star wars with Guardians of the Galaxy of Fantastic 4(6)]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Skyward]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [TMNT 88 Slash dies]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Mark Millar]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Paradise Court]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: [marvel story telling (Immortal Hulk, Venom, Spiderman) ]
Favorite Publisher: [Marvel]
Best All Ages title: [Bully Wars]
Favorite Comic Television Show: []
Favorite Comic Movie: [Avengers (all)]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Batman White Knight]
Highlight of 2018: [collecting comics again]
Prediction for 2019: [Marvel streaming crashes internet]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [2x month]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [2x a week]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [Batman. I am not a DC guy and bought some because you guys talk so highly of it]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [10]
Are you planning cutting back on your comic book reading in 2019? [No]
-If so, why? []
-And by how much? []

Additional Comments? [Thank you for doing all that you do. I enjoy the slack channel because I don't get to talk about comics to many. ]

Please have your entries in by the end of 2018(morning of January 1st, 2019).
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019

Post by NiklasJ »

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [The Silencer]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [The Sandman Universe #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Simon Spurrier(The Dreaming, SW:DrAphra)]
Book you wish more people read: [The Wild Storm]
Book you wish they would publish: []

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [SW:Thrawn]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Avengers #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Charles Soule (SW:DarthVader)]
Book you wish more people read: [X23]
Book you wish they would publish: [Doctor Doom (2018/2099)]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Barbarella]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Shanghai Red #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Sana Takeda (Monstress)]
Book you wish more people read: [Seven to Eternity]
Book you wish they would publish: [Copperhead]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: [Marvel]
Favorite Publisher: [Marvel]
Best All Ages title: [Champions]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [DCs Legends of Tomorrow]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Avengers Infinity War]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Tad Williams, The Witchwood Crown (2017, im a couple of years behind on all book reading...)]
Highlight of 2018: [Return of the concept of strong miniseries, ShanghaiRed, Thrawn, MagicOrder, CemeteryBeach, MultipleMan, TheSentry, MarvelKnights]
Prediction for 2019: []
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [almost once a week]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [not yet]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [not yet]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [12]
Are you planning cutting back on your comic book reading in 2019? [trying yes...]
-If so, why? [hard to keep up with all the reading i want to do, soooo many unread books(not comics) on my shelf, also expensive]
-And by how much? [average around 6-8 titles per week may be more manageable, probably unrealistic though]

Additional Comments? []
Last edited by NiklasJ on Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 128
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019

Post by NicksPicks »

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Detective Comics - consistently a decent to excellent issue each month, fun covers, good art]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Action Comics 1000 - everything right about Superman in my book]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Geoff Johns]
Book you wish more people read: [Shazam - I have no idea how many people read issue 1, but it was fun and is a really promising setup for a good run on the character]
Book you wish they would publish: [Justice Society of America - Doomsday Clock keeps teasing us]

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [All-New Wolverine - unfortunately it ended this year, but it was my most dependably good read from Marvel]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Mayor Fisk story arc in Daredevil - it was a good match of story and art]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Donny Cates]
Book you wish more people read: [Venom]
Book you wish they would publish: [A Silver Surfer ongoing series]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Descender from Image - this series ended this year, but I always found it to be a captivating story with the best Dustin Nguyen watercolor art]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Black Barn story arc from Gideon Falls]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Jeff Lemire - he writes it all and for every publisher, and it's all compelling]
Book you wish more people read: [Gideon Falls from Image]
Book you wish they would publish: [I wish BOOM! would publish a rural crime drama written by Jeff Lemire and illustrated by Tyler Jenkins - it would be a perfect pairing]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Ballad of Sang - Oni Press, which is now completed.]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Box Boy by 215 Ink - This was a really nicely put together, endearing story about a box come to life, presented as a long-form comic strip. Highly recommended for anyone of any age. Look out for future work by cartoonist Tayson Martindale.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Joe Benitez - crafts a pretty decent comic book and runs his own operation]
Book you wish more people read: [Lady Mechanika]
Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: []
Favorite Publisher: [DC - even with a few frustrating decisions made and a lack of focus this year, I still love the DC characters the most. And they make up the bulk of my pull list.]
Best All Ages title: [Shazam]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [The Flash]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Black Panther]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Best collection was the Silver Surfer by Slott & Allred Omnibus]
Highlight of 2018: [The first truly continuous comic book series reaching its 1000th issue, with Action Comics #1000]
Prediction for 2019: [Going on the positive side, I think Detective Comics 1000 will be a really great issue]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [Usually around once per week]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? []
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yep, and you should too!]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [Yes, although it's hard for me to say which series. In general though I will look twice at picking up any series or collected edition someone highlights on the Previews Spotlight. And I may consider picking up a series if both John and his co-hosts talk highly of it in one of the other podcasts.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Based on the recent conversations, I think John and James should pick their most anticipated DC/Marvel/Other issue for each week's spotlight instead of worrying about trying out new series. The constant churn from the Big Two can be tiresome, so I think you both would have more fun reviewing your favorite series instead.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [10 to 15]
Are you planning cutting back on your comic book reading in 2019? [Yes]
-If so, why? [Because I anticipate a move taking up more time and money during the springtime.]
-And by how much? [I am in the process of reducing my pull list to around 75 percent and will cut back on special purchases until the move is completed, then reevaluate]

Additional Comments? [Keep up the great work, Comic Book Page crew!]
I read comic books for fun.
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019

Post by Jasandyc »

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Silencer]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Adventures of the Super Sons #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Sean Murphy]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Showcase Presents Trades]

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Uncanny X-Men]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Hunt For Wolverine]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Salvador Larroca]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Sgt. Fury by Garth Ennis]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [GI Joe ARAH]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Dawn of the Arashikage (GI Joe ARAH #246-250)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Larry Hama]
Book you wish more people read: [Port of Earth]
Book you wish they would publish: [Adaptations of the Jack Daniels series of novels by J A Konrath]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Quantum & Woody]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Doppelganger (Alterna) 1-4]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: [Witchblade]
Favorite Publisher: [Marvel]
Best All Ages title: [Metaphase (Alterna)]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [The Walking Dead]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Deadpool 2]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Heavy Metal Magazine]
Highlight of 2018: [Return of Wolverine]
Prediction for 2019: [DC Relaunch]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [Rarely]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [Usually daily]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [No, but I'm planning to submit for January Spotlight]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [Pay me triple what you pay the others]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [Adventures of the Super Sons. I'm not a big DC reader, but hearing the excitement of submitters pushed me to try it. I'm glad I did.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [I would like some Back Issue Spotlights, but I understand the time restraints. You already devote so much time to this, I'm surprised you manage to get out what you do.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [15-20]
Are you planning cutting back on your comic book reading in 2019? [Yes]
-If so, why? [I'd like to shift some of my spending toward back issues.]
-And by how much? [20% or so.]

Additional Comments? [I just want to personally thank you for organizing and maintaining this community for us to release our inner geek.]
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Location: Oconomowoc, WI

Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019

Post by erickowabunga »

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Superman]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Batman White Knight (started in '17)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Joelle Jones]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Retro styled animated series of some form. From the style and sensibility of Batman Adventures, Batman and Robin, Supergirl, Superman, etc.]

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Venom]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Venom Ve-Nam]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Donny Cates]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Silver Surfer - hard to follow Slott/Allred in their style, but I would love to get more SS.]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Sword Daughter]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Sword Daughter 1-3: She Brightly Burns]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Sean Phillips - art on Kill or Be Killed/My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies]
Book you wish more people read: [Sword Daughter]
Book you wish they would publish: [More stories from Image: Black Magick]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Jazz Maynard - Lion Forge Magnetic Collection]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Revenge of Wonderland (1-6) - Zenescope]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Ula Mos cover artist - Revenge of Wonderland #4 cvr C]
Book you wish more people read: [Anything by Zenescope - their covers are often not indicative of the interior art]
Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: [Titan]
Favorite Publisher: [Titan]
Best All Ages title: [Sonic]
Favorite Comic Television Show: []
Favorite Comic Movie: [Avengers: Infinity War]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Joe Jusko’s Marvel Masterpieces by IDW]
Highlight of 2018: []
Prediction for 2019: [Some form of executive leadership at DC will change - Editorial/Creative or Publisher. This change needs to happen, and if I needed to shine a light on where, I would say editorial/creative. See Marvel success following a change in their creative leadership.]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [Not as often as I should!]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [Way more often than I should!]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [Could you allow for people who do not want to record themselves the ability to write a previews clip, and either read it on air, have a fellow listener record it, or have a bot speak it?]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [Far too many, but mostly anything by Tom Taylor gets a look now.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [I think it is important to make sure each week you talk about DC & Marvel in the weekly comic spotlight, if you don't feature a book from them. It is important to keep a pulse on the big two, and skipping one of them just doesn't feel right based on the podcast history.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [15 comics, up to 5 collected editions]
Are you planning cutting back on your comic book reading in 2019? [Not $ amount, but where I spend the $, yes.]
-If so, why? [I am focusing my money on getting quality comics, and much of that means not buying as many new books, and focusing on Gold/Silver/Bronze age collected editions]
-And by how much? []

Additional Comments? [Over the past few years of being a listener and a member of the CBP family, it was my idea to create the Slack Channel. I knew that it would be better for me, personally, as I am a more "in the moment" discussion type of person. What I have found is that our community on Slack has become incredibly vibrant with people getting in to some great in-depth conversations.]
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon May 21, 2018 8:10 pm

Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019

Post by BronzeAgePaul »

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [mini - Doomsday Clock, ongoing - Hawkman]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Action 1000]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Clay Mann]
Book you wish more people read: [Silencer]
Book you wish they would publish: [JSA]

Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Black Hammer]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Star Trek Mirror Broken]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Jeff Lemire]
Book you wish more people read: [Olivia Twist]
Book you wish they would publish: [Lazarus]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [The Wrong Earth]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: [The Wrong Earth]
Book you wish they would publish: []

Most improved: [Alterna Comics]
Favorite Publisher: [Ahoy Comics]
Best All Ages title: []
Favorite Comic Television Show: [Titans, Flash tie]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Infinity War]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Crisis Companion HC]
Highlight of 2018: [Action 1000]
Prediction for 2019: []
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [rarely]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [i used to but have given up, I hope to try again]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [yes first one in Oct, missed the Nov deadline though, will try to do it some more]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [is there a way to ping reminders for deadline?]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [i have tried some smaller publishers due to CBP and Drew’s Fun and Profit podcast]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [ I rarely listen to the TV or movie reviews but that is just me, comic casts are great - I especially like when Eric from Kowabunga is on]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [15-20]
Are you planning cutting back on your comic book reading in 2019? [no but may transfer some to digital, but not all - I like going to the store each week]
-If so, why? []
-And by how much? []

Additional Comments? [Thanks John!!]
Posts: 209
Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:22 am

Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019

Post by Perseus »

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Aquaman]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Books of Magic #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Dan Abnett (Aquaman, Silencer)]
Book you wish more people read: [Silencer]
Book you wish they would publish: [I'm saying it this year. Legion of Super Heroes]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Black Badge]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Skyward #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Matt Kindt]
Book you wish more people read: [Usagi Yojimbo]
Book you wish they would publish: [more Resident Alien]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Blammo by Noah Van Sciver]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Strangers in Paradise XXV #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Noah Van Sciver]
Book you wish more people read: [Guy Delisle books from Drawn and Quarterly]
Book you wish they would publish: [for someone to publish Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou in English]

Most improved: [CW Flash and Arrow]
Favorite Publisher: [Viz]
Best All Ages title: [William the Last by Brian Shearer (Antarctic Press)]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [Arrow]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Infinity War]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Aquaman: The Search for Mera by Skeates and Aparo (DC)]
Highlight of 2018: [The Shonen Jump app releasing day and date digital for Japan and America free manga chapters. Also, the 1.99 per month subscription model for all Shonen Jump titles]
Prediction for 2019: [DC will undergo a regime change, while manga will continue to gain popularity once again]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [not much anymore]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [every hour usually]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [just keep encouraging]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [I need to read Hawkman, waiting for it on Hoopla]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [more back issue spotlight episodes featuring older Marvel and DC titles (All Star Squadron for example)]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [0]
Are you planning cutting back on your comic book reading in 2019? [no, Hoopla makes my reading increase]
-If so, why? []
-And by how much? []

Additional Comments? [Thanks to John for all of his hard work to make these podcasts a reality. Also, thanks to everyone that is part of John's shows. I feel lucky to know many of you, and I am happy to have a place to talk comics via the chat and teleconferences. Happy New Year Comic Book Page!]
Posts: 237
Joined: Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:45 am

Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019

Post by doctormo »

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [The Wild Storm]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Batman (2016) issues 51-53 entitled Cold Days]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer: Warren Ellis (The Wild Storm); Artist: Jorge Jimenez (Batman: Lost, DC Nation #0 and Justice League)]
Book you wish more people read: [Justice League Dark (2018 series)]
Book you wish they would publish: [Legion of Super-Heroes and a Justice Society of America title]

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Avengers West Coast]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [X-Men Grand Design and X-Men Grand Design - Second Genesis]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer: Kelly Thompson (Avengers West Coast, Rogue & Gambit, Mr. & Mrs. X, and Uncanny X-Men); Artist: David Marquez (Avengers, The Defenders, The Hunt for Wolverine one-shot and X-Men Gold]
Book you wish more people read: [Rogue and Gambit (2018) a 5 issue mini-series]
Book you wish they would publish: [A series written by Chris Claremont]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Quantum Age: From the World of Black Hammer (Dark Horse Comics)]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [The Shattered Grid - crossover between Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Go Go Power Rangers titles (Boom Studios)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer: Jeff Lemire (Black Hammer, Quantum Age and Doctor Star & The Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows - all are Dark Horse titles); Artist: Jamie McKelvie (The Wicked + The Divine - Image Comics)]
Book you wish more people read: [Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 12: The Reckoning (4 issue mini-series from Dark Horse Comics)]
Book you wish they would publish: [Lazarus (Image Comics - slated to return in 2019)]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [The Wrong Earth (Ahoy Comics)]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, Volume 1 (Viz)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer: Simon Furman (Robotech - Titan Comics); Penciller: Jamal Igle (The Wrong Earth - Ahoy Comics)]
Book you wish more people read: [Robotech (Titans Comics)]
Book you wish they would publish: [Greg Rucka’s Queen and Country series from Oni Press]

Most improved: [Robotech - Thanks to new writer Simon Furman and new artists.]
Favorite Publisher: [Dark Horse Comics - solid year thanks to Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 12, Empowered, Umbrella Academy and various Black Hammer titles including Quantum Age and Doctor Star & The Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows.]
Best All Ages title: [Archie Meets Batman ‘66 (Archie Comics)]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [Daredevil Season 3 - Netflix]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Black Panther]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Black AF: America's Sweetheart (Black Mask Studios) - Writer: Kwanza Osajyefo and Artist: Jennifer Johnson. This is set in the same universe as the superhero title Black written Kwanza Osajyefo and drawn by Jamal Igle. ]
Highlight of 2018: [Black Lightning on the CW - season 1 was strong and so far season 2 has not suffered from a sophomore slump.]
Prediction for 2019: [Avengers: Endgame will decimate box office records.]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [Occasionally since the Slack Channel became available.]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [nearly daily]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [Yes, willingness to try titles written by Donny Cates.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Hopefully John will be able to do some more back issue spotlight episodes.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [8 - 10]
Are you planning cutting back on your comic book reading in 2019? [Perhaps]
-If so, why? [Too many double and weekly shipping titles. Would like to purchase more self-contained titles and back issues.]
-And by how much? [Unsure at this time]

Additional Comments? [Thank you John and Company for continue for providing entertaining and informative episodes each week. Also, thank you John for providing a website and Slack Channel where listeners can interact.]
Posts: 58
Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:27 pm
Location: troy ny

Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #12; 2018 [Deadline: Jan 1, 2019

Post by ChrisMyers »

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Batman White Knight]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Batman Annual #3 by Tom Taylor ]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [writer Tom Taylor, artist Sean Murphy White Knight]
Book you wish more people read: [ ]
Book you wish they would publish: [an old school Sgt Rock title]

Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Old Man Hawkeye]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Spider-man #800]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Ethan Sacks, Old Man Hawkeye]
Book you wish more people read: [I'm not current enough in Marvel to know]
Book you wish they would publish: [a Captain America without all the doubt and guilt of Secret Empire. Let Cap be the hero he should be]

Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Farmhand]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Death or Glory #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Joe Henderson, Skyward]
Book you wish more people read: [They all need more readers.]
Book you wish they would publish: [ ]

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Lady Mechanika ]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Glacier City, Panel Syndicate]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Joe Benitez]
Book you wish more people read: [Lady Mechanika]
Book you wish they would publish: [Glacier City, Jay Faerber ]

Most improved: [Aftershock Comics]
Favorite Publisher: [Aftershock Comics]
Best All Ages title: [Ms Marvel]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [ ]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Ghost Money: Death in Dubai HC]
Highlight of 2018: [Becoming a Kowabunga Comics mail order customer, thanks Eric]
Prediction for 2019: [more books, more movies, more TV, not enough time.]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [a couple times a year]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [Every day ]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [ yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [ ]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [yes, Venom, Murder Falcon, Ghost Money, Black Badge, Firefly, Librarians, I have faith that if John and James like something then it's worth trying.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [ l would like some more back issue spotlights but other than that all I can say is keep up the great work.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [8 ]
Are you planning cutting back on your comic book reading in 2019? [No but I may shift some titles to Digital]
-If so, why? [ ]
-And by how much? [ ]

Additional Comments? [John and James thanks for your reviews and all the entertaining discussions.]
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