Trinity War

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Re: Trinity War

Post by fudd71 »

I thoroughly enjoyed this series and it has me more excited for the future of DCU as whole then I have been since the New 52 started. I actually reread the six part series tonight before jumping in to Forever Evil #1.

Some of my thoughts on Trinity War:
I loved that the Outsider was in fact the Alfred of Earth 3, a suspicion I had early on (see the post that started this thread) but wasn't confirmed until the final issue. The triple agent Atom was also a great twist and quite interesting
Some ideas on where Trinity War leaves the future of the DCU:
I think this series will lead to the uniting of the heroes of the DCU something that I think is a good thing. I don't want to see the various Justice Leagues united into a single team but much prefer a world in where heroes get along then the adversarial positions the teams had to each other before this event. I do think this uniting at least in spirit of the heroes leaves Amanda Waller out of the loop. This leads to the very real possibility of a new team, not a Justice League but a more blackops group under Waller. Hopefully the return of Checkmate even, something I would love to see
Thoughts on Forever Evil #1:
This issue was mostly set up, but for the start of 7 issue cross over that is almost expected and I'm OK with it. I love that we have a Kord industries, something that could always lead back to the introduction of Ted Kord Blue Beetle.
Wild speculation on what my happen as Forever Evil continues:
With the way Lex Luthor was featured so prominently in this issue I fully expect to see his Earth 3 counterpart Alexander Luthor play a role by the end, possibly playing a large role in returning the Justice League characters for wherever they currently are.

As was discussed in another thread the unmasking of Richard Grayson leads to some interesting future possibilities for that character, assuming he isn't killed off before the end of the series. I still think he will end up being a touchstone / coordinator type for the Bat Family the way Oracle had been pre-FlashPoint. The fact that he was captured while discussing with Barbara that the family should get back together for the first time since Death of the Family and mend fences makes this an even stronger possibility. With the end of the Nightwing persona and Damien being deceased we could also see the return of Tim Drake to being Robin. This is a bit of long shot admittedly but certainly not out of the question. Admittedly Harper Row or Carrie Kelley seem more likely to be the next Robin at this point, but I still think there is a chance Tim returns to being Robin at least for a while.
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