I'm leaning towards a five point scale measuring if we
recommend the title or not.
I mean, I'm going to keep getting some of these things even if they aren't all that good so telling you that I'm going to drop a title isn't going to happen all that often. Conversely, if I don't think a title is all that good, I'm not going to recommend it to other people even if I still plan on getting it.
So, my current thoughts on a rating system:
+2: This is a great comic. I recommend it without reservations.
+1: This is a good comic. It it a step above average and I recommend it.
0: This is an average comic. It isn't bad but it doesn't stand out from the crowd. This is the baseline of what I'd consider to be a good and acceptable comic.
-1: This is a comic that just didn't "click" with me for some reason. It isn't horrible but I really can't recommend it.
-2: This is a comic that not only didn't entertain me but seems unlikely to entertain most people.
This sort of rating system would allow us to differentiate the "good" from the "great" which we can't do with the current thumbs up/neutral/thumbs down system.
Also, I want to stress that the middle rating denotes what I consider to be an average acceptable comic book. It is a perfectly good comic book but one that really isn't any better (or worse) than most of what I've read over the years. This is what I see as the "default" rating.
If we go with this sort of system, I'm open to suggestions for icons for the different ratings that I can use on the new
Weekly Comics Spotlight Review List webpage.