Marvel NOW ... relaunches

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Post by BobBretall »

Paul Nolan wrote:I've just done the rounds, looking at comments associated to articles of the Uncanny Avengers cover reveal.

I don't think I've found a positive comment yet.
Half Avengers / Half X-Men. The line blurs..... ... ealed.html

Havok's costume change is terrible. The coolest thing about Havok's costume for me were the dealies sticking out on his head. He looks kind of like Bullseye on the cover.

Rogue's hood is not working for me either.

Wolverine is a Cassaday Wolverine. No big deal there.

Cap's back to a "wings painted on the side of his cowl" look. Let's see if that is portrayed consistently in all the books Cap will be appearing in.

Scarlet Witch without a cape & in what appears to be a red leather bodysuit? *meh*

Thor morphing into Chris Hemsworth.

OK, count me among the "not very impressed" contingent. Maybe they are going for and will get people who just watch the movies. We'll see.
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Post by Paul Nolan »

an EW interview with Remender is very confusing. ... irst-look/
Remender talked to us about Uncanny Avengers and offered some intriguing teases about the characters who will form the superteam’s initial lineup. “Captain America comes out of Avengers vs. X-Men recognizing that he didn’t do enough to help the mutants. He’s going to fix that.” That leads to the formation of a team focused explicitly on human-mutant relations. And although Uncanny Avengers has its share of heavy hitters — Captain America, Thor, and Wolverine have all starred in multiple movies that collectively grossed one katrillion dollars — Remender sounds even more excited about playing around with the team’s other characters. That’s especially true of Havok, the brother of Cyclops, who will be the team’s leader. “He is put in a very difficult situation,” says Remender. “Havok’s always been the black sheep rock-and-roller of the Summers family. He can’t do that anymore. You’re going to see Havok become one of the biggest players in the Marvel Universe.”

Uncanny Avengers will also feature the mutant Rogue, who Remender describes as “the Wolverine of the team now. Her adoptive step-mother was Mystique, so she was raised to hate the Avengers.” And there will be some interpersonal turmoil around the final member of the team: Scarlet Witch, who recently returned to the Avengers after years of being mostly in the background of the Marvel Universe. “She’s the character responsible for eradicating the mutants in the first place,” says Remender, who describes the Witch’s role in the book as a “redemption arc.”
If Rogue is the Wolverine of the team, then is Wolverine the Cyclops of the team? or is Wolverine not on the team and just there to attempt to shift numbers?

and Havok, leading Captain America? if the team is public, wouldn't it be best for Havok to change his name to something less destructive?
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Post by GABE! »

JohnMayo wrote:Are any of you all reading any significant number of Marvel titles?

I'm curious what the interest/apathy level is for Marvel here on the forum.
The majority of my comics I read each month are Marvel titles. Granted, no where near the impressive number of titles that you buy, John. Plus I have been cutting down on titles in general and have slowly started to wait for the trades on indy titles and Marvel books like Amazing Spider-man, X-Factor, Avengers Academy,Winter Solder, and the Ultimates, etc and have even considered going more digital. But, I do consider myself a Marvel Zombie for the most part but I don't really buy many of the "Flagship" Marvel titles monthly. I still buy:

Fantastic Four
Uncanny X-Force
Avengers Assemble
Utimate X-men
Captain Marvel

and Personal I'm looking forward to the Marvel Now, and I'm frankly ok with Marvel doing something like this. I more than likely will not pick up any X-men title that Bendis has his fingers in, due to the me not enjoying his story telling lately, unless I start to hear enough to sway my opinion. But, Hickman on Avengers will get me to start reading those titles again. This isn't a line wide, or even partial reboot. No origins are being re-told, no ones favorite story is being erased, nor are any characters going to cease to exist. That is what makes this different than the DC relaunch and is what will keep me around.
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Post by BobBretall »

GABE! wrote:But, Hickman on Avengers will get me to start reading those titles again.
I'll be getting Hickman's Avengers, but not necessarily ALL Avengers titles.

The Remender Avengers book (see Paul's post above with the interview fragment) sounds massively uninteresting to me. Sounds like it should be called X-Vengers.
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Post by stardog »

I'm reading 13 Marvel monthlies right now and the main AVX series. I would read more of their books if not for the double shipping and 3.99 cover price. Without seeing the full line-up of Marvel Now, my guess is that I'll be around the same number of titles once it begins. I mean, what do new #1's at Marvel mean anyway? I had to laugh at Axel Alonso's comment on CBR about DC's New 52 #1's with the amount of numbering stunts his company has pulled over the years for the temporary sales bump. Really, who didn't see this Marvel Now thing coming after AVX? I think John predicted it right when AVX was announced. Is it that much different than the 4 new Avengers books for the Heroic Age (we'll be on the 3rd volume of New Avengers already) or the new FF, Daredevil, Punisher, Thor, Incredible Hulk, and Captain America series that we got in just the last couple of years? And now more new #1's for at least some of those books. Schism got us two new flagship X-Men books with the older books being spin-offs basically. What volume will Wolverine be on? If anything the difference is more New 52 inspired with new costumes, the characters evolving with the times, and if bringing back the younger versions of the original X-Men isn't a reboot, I don't know what is. For all intents and purposes they are starting over no matter how they spin it.

Anyway, I like a lot of Marvel characters and creators (including Bendis). I don't like their editorial people all that much and Alonso sounds like a pro wrestling announcer for the most part, but I'm not going to deprive myself of stories I know will enjoy. That said, between their general attitude, price point, and constant sales gimmicks, I don't give them the benefit of the doubt. To me Marvel Now is just more of the same, and when the sales drop back and the new movies come out, I'm sure we'll get another event that sets up the next batch of new #1's. It's what they do. I just hope they give these creators they say they value so much some time and room to tell stories instead of piling on another event in 6 months.
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Post by Paul Nolan »

some atrocious quotes from Alonso at CBR ... e&id=39603
We aren't throwing $#!# at a wall, seeing what falls off and then replacing it with more $#!#.
= "There will be absolutely no risks in our new titles"
It's a patient rollout that demonstrates respect for the fan and his wallet. [Laughs]
= "there will be no revision in our pricing policy"
Marvel NOW! starts with the creators, so don't expect writer shake-ups across the line by the fourth or fifth issue
= "don't expect consistency with the artists".
Once the Lee & Kirby X-Men come into the present, they're here for the long haul. They're here for the foreseeable future, and that's something they -- and the rest of the Marvel Universe -- will have to come to terms with.
= "we really F/*-/d up by Killing Jean Grey"

regarding the AR app
While we don't share exact metrics, we can certainly classify this as a success and let you know that the download volume is a 6-figure number. It's adding value by providing the additional insights we wanted into the books and driving further uptake of the series.
= "a lot less people used the app, than bought the comic"

apologies for the snideness in my comics but I really think Alonso severely overdid the [laughs] this week.[/quote]
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Post by Webhead »

BobBretall wrote:
Paul Nolan wrote:I've just done the rounds, looking at comments associated to articles of the Uncanny Avengers cover reveal.

I don't think I've found a positive comment yet.
Half Avengers / Half X-Men. The line blurs..... ... ealed.html

Havok's costume change is terrible. The coolest thing about Havok's costume for me were the dealies sticking out on his head. He looks kind of like Bullseye on the cover.

Rogue's hood is not working for me either.

Wolverine is a Cassaday Wolverine. No big deal there.

Cap's back to a "wings painted on the side of his cowl" look. Let's see if that is portrayed consistently in all the books Cap will be appearing in.

Scarlet Witch without a cape & in what appears to be a red leather bodysuit? *meh*

Thor morphing into Chris Hemsworth.

OK, count me among the "not very impressed" contingent. Maybe they are going for and will get people who just watch the movies. We'll see.

I gotta agree these changes range from meh to bad.

What's with the knee pads for Cap, they gonna have him moonlighting as a carpet installer.

At least Thor looks more like the classic Thor, I never warmed up to the armored Thor look since his return.
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Post by Perry »

Paul Nolan wrote:
Perry wrote:Also, anyone see any Brubaker news? Will he still be around? Getting scared when I don't see 'leaked' info on him.
In his interview with Tom Spurgeon, Brubakers burned out on work for hire, he's concentrating on creator owned.
Thanks for the update, buddy. 8)
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Post by Perry »

BobBretall wrote:
Paul Nolan wrote:
Perry wrote:Also, anyone see any Brubaker news? Will he still be around? Getting scared when I don't see 'leaked' info on him.
In his interview with Tom Spurgeon, Brubakers burned out on work for hire, he's concentrating on creator owned.
That said, he does plan to stay on Winter Soldier for a long time. But that will be his only super-hero book.
Oh, even better. :D
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Post by Perry »

As far as the Marvel question (titles and/or interest) I get about 6 titles a month from them ... as of now. But I am also one that started reading/buying back in the early 70's so most of what I see from Marvel today is ... well ... trying to work 'new' ideas in with a 50 year old universe. It is just hard to do.

So hard, that I find I have little interest in the 'changes' or the 'different take' on characters or their stories. I don't really blame Marvel as much as it is just my old eyes having read some very good, and some very bad stories, with these same characters, over and over and over throughout the years.

Story re-hashes and bad stories aside. What really gets me is the 'voice' of characters being not what they should be. I know that characters evolve and change is a natural and good thing for stories, but I swear, some of these writers have no idea what the 'basic character trait' for some of the characters they are writing are about.

And even worse, when writers write a good character voice on one title and then take a totally different tone with that SAME CHARACTER in another title. How do you mess that up? (Yes, Johns, I am talking about your Aquaman and GL. Both good in their respected self titles books, but totally different in current time JL?)

I flipped through the Avengers Vs Xmen book about a week ago, and read about two pages of Cap and Cyclops having an argument. Cap then swings and punches Cyke in the face. I was just shocked. Cap, in that circumstance (that I can't articulate here, as I have had too many adult beverages :lol: ) would never do that. What the hell?

It is just hard to not to cringe at some of the stuff I see like that.

Having said ALL that, my Marvel pull will increase with the new #1's for I am a glutton for punishment. And I also get a pretty good return from Ebay when I sell my Marvel books there.

Now, enough with this incoherent rambling
"Barkeep, another stout!"
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Post by spid »

Perry wrote:
I flipped through the Avengers Vs Xmen book about a week ago, and read about two pages of Cap and Cyclops having an argument. Cap then swings and punches Cyke in the face. I was just shocked. Cap, in that circumstance (that I can't articulate here, as I have had too many adult beverages :lol: ) would never do that. What the hell?

It is just hard to not to cringe at some of the stuff I see like that.

Having said ALL that, my Marvel pull will increase with the new #1's for I am a glutton for punishment. And I also get a pretty good return from Ebay when I sell my Marvel books there.

Now, enough with this incoherent rambling
"Barkeep, another stout!"
In the context of the story there is nothing really out of character in the storyline. Flipping through the pages of one issue may lead one to believe people are acting out of character, but in the full context of the story it is a natural consequence.
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Post by BobBretall »

spid wrote:
Perry wrote: I flipped through the Avengers Vs Xmen book about a week ago, and read about two pages of Cap and Cyclops having an argument. Cap then swings and punches Cyke in the face. I was just shocked. Cap, in that circumstance (that I can't articulate here, as I have had too many adult beverages :lol: ) would never do that. What the hell?
In the context of the story there is nothing really out of character in the storyline. Flipping through the pages of one issue may lead one to believe people are acting out of character, but in the full context of the story it is a natural consequence.
I have little context, as I'm not reading AvX, but it says a lot about how Cap has changed if it's reasonable for him to haul off and punch a "good guy" in the face whilst having a verbal argument with them.

I'd expect better of Captain America. But that's just me & my expectations of the character. I'm not arguing that it made sense for the people reading the book, but it's illustrative of why I am not.
LA Rabbit
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Post by LA Rabbit »

JohnMayo wrote:Are any of you all reading any significant number of Marvel titles?

I'm curious what the interest/apathy level is for Marvel here on the forum.
My marvel monthly pull is way down. Right now.
Avengers Academy
Dark Avengers
Winter Soldier
And any issue with art by Walt Simonson.

I will pick up stuff if someone really sells it to me and I remember when I am the LCS (and in the mood).

I was doing the AvX business but don't think that will last for me.

Now I am at the point where I am happy to wait until they get traded and hit the library. If they never make it there, then I am not missing much.

Not sure about Marvel Now, but as I don't preorder I don't have to decide until it hits the LCS.
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Post by spid »

BobBretall wrote:
spid wrote:
Perry wrote: I flipped through the Avengers Vs Xmen book about a week ago, and read about two pages of Cap and Cyclops having an argument. Cap then swings and punches Cyke in the face. I was just shocked. Cap, in that circumstance (that I can't articulate here, as I have had too many adult beverages :lol: ) would never do that. What the hell?
In the context of the story there is nothing really out of character in the storyline. Flipping through the pages of one issue may lead one to believe people are acting out of character, but in the full context of the story it is a natural consequence.
I have little context, as I'm not reading AvX, but it says a lot about how Cap has changed if it's reasonable for him to haul off and punch a "good guy" in the face whilst having a verbal argument with them.

I'd expect better of Captain America. But that's just me & my expectations of the character. I'm not arguing that it made sense for the people reading the book, but it's illustrative of why I am not.
Not know the context might lead you to say that, but within the story it is explained why Cap is punching out Scott. It is more to do with how Scott has change than how Cap has changed. I am fairly certain it was Scott who shot first after the Avengers show up on his doorstep.

The story has been fairly even in displaying what is at stake for both sides. There are reasonable arguments on both sides.
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Post by Perry »

spid wrote: Not know the context might lead you to say that, but within the story it is explained why Cap is punching out Scott.
I have to disagree. While I do not know the exact context in full (I did read, or at least try to read the first 3 or 4 issues of this series) I did read the entirety of that particular argument, and while, again, I may have missed a key point or two in another issue, and not know the full reason why he made a fist and used it, I do know Steve Rogers fairly well and that scene was out of character.

Is it as brazing as Steve carrying a gun after the events of 9-11? No, but it is still not what Steve would've done.

And yes, I realize the humor of discussing the actions of fictional characters and what they would or would not do.

This is not as blatant as that issue of Amazing (and I am so mad I can't remember the writer or the issue) where Pete and Mary Jane are having a little tiff and Peter asked here if her "aunt flow" was visiting (I kid you not, Peter Parker saying that was, to this day, one of the most ludicrous lines I think I have ever read), but when you read a character for years and know the character ... or more to the point know what makes the character THAT character, you see stuff like that and it bugs you. Kinda kills the story.

Now, having said that, I am glad that my idea of Cap doesn't seem to be your idea of Cap and you can understand and accept the punch, but to me it is the classic (and sadly increasing) use of forcing a character to accomplish an action to fit the story you want to tell, instead of allowing the character(s) actions to be part of the story.

In other words telling a story about a story and not telling a story about the characters.

But, I am old, so ... ya know.
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