Contract #0 (A First Salvo)
Contract #1 (A First Salvo)
Contract #0 is in B&W and is really not a good representation of the series. It reprints some pages from #1 to "give you a taste", and the story is good, but unfortunately, the #0 issue is lacking in a couple of respects.
My recommendation: Skip #0 & buy the #1 when it comes out!! I got a preview PDF of #1 and it is night & day different than the print copy of #0 that I purchased. The story is well crafted, I love the world created, and the art is very nicely done. All the story pages in #0 are reproduced (in color) in #1, so you will not be missing anything waiting for the #1 issue.
DO NOT pass on the series based on the presentation in #0 (try out #1), but if you liked #0, you're in for a treat when the super-sized, full-color #1 comes out.
A couple of comments, directed at the #0 issue:
First, it should have included a "Get to know the cast & the world" sheet instead of diving right into the story. Here is that info (which was not in #0):
Second: The art suffers (A LOT) in B&W. The art is nicely differentiated (via different planes; foreground/background/etc.) by the color in issue #1. This is totally missing in the B&W #0. I think an artist needs to adopt a certain style when drawing something that will be B&W that is different from the style used for color. Since the stuff reproduced in #0 seems to have been drawn for the color #1 issue, the artists did not follow any kind of artistic style that would make the art clearer in B&W.
Regarding #1: The color really enhances the art. Foreground/background differentiations "pop", the art takes on a whole new life. I like the universe that has been set up here, and the main character (Jessie Garret) is really brought to life in this issue. Several stories highlight different aspects of the team from "Stellar Rangers, Inc." and we really get a feeling (through how she acts) that Jessie is a "tough as nails, but with a heart of gold" type of character, and that was very appealing to me. I'm looking forward to seeing how the main story (continued in #2) plays out. There were 3 additional stand-alone tales to round out the 40 pages of story in this debut issue. Each one of these fleshed out another aspect of the world and the relationships between the team members.